Get A Constant Deal Flow By Learning How To Attract Motivated Sellers
In This Course You Will Learn
How to avoid investor 'burn out' before your first deal ever happens
The 4 major functions you need to have a successful business
Full details on the basic actions you need for finding & closing deals
My personal formula on who I make appointments with so I don't waste time
The exact document I use to reduce the price and close deals
I show you how to be a BIG fish in the small pond & how to find hyper sales
Proven & exact marketing so you get he best results for your efforts
We will go over the difference between looking for pretty or ugly houses
And As For Benefits To You ...
Check These Out
Although there are 30 successful ways to market - I will go over my 10 most successful campaigns step-by-step so you can do it the right way - for virtually any budget
Because the marketing works so good, I will need to go over how to handle the calls coming in - otherwise I will burn you out quickly, I promise you that!
You will be able to listen to my personal pre-recorded voice message that I still use to date to weed out the 'tire kickers' calling me
Then I will give you some of my best scripted questions to help figure out whether or not someone is a Prospect or a Suspect
After coaching so many in the past I have found that some have trouble trying to figure out if they have a Prospect or a Suspect - so I explain the form I use to figure it out
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