Make The Best Deals Possible By
Learning How To Make Great Offers
What You Will Get Instantly
My secret 3-step formula I have used since day one (and still use today) to find perfect deals for me and a team to help me close those deals without opposition
Learn the step-by-step process I use to figure out what is a good offer to make & what isn't so I don't waste time making offers that offend the seller and piss them off
I show you how to take the stress out of making offers and getting deals easily when watching these lessons
The exact sequence of when and how to make offer so you get WAY more "Yes's" then "No's" - This took me 5-years to figure out and master so it works every time
Avoid the most common mistakes that turn motivated sellers into "NO'S" when making an offer
Learn to be the perfect conversationalist that build trust quickly and have the seller linking you so much they will sell you their house and not consider any other offers
Exact examples of the actual offers I give when in a house so you don't have to figure it out
Still On The Fence ...
How about some ethical
bribes if you buy now?
The actual cost to sell worksheet so you can prepare your sellers to make you an offer on what they want (Value $297 - really, you'll see it is priceless when you see it reduces asking prices by tens of thousands of dollars every time)
An audio recording of me doing a LIVE offer so you can hear how it is done (Value $97 - really priceless)
An eBook of self-confidence to make sure you are ready to make offers when it is time (Value $37)
How to make a fortune as a real estate entrepreneur I wrote for some of my private coaching clients (Value $68 - not usually sold outside of coaching)
That's $499 in ethical bribes if you get started today ...
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